College & Career Center
The College & Career Center is located in room P-233 and is open Monday-Friday during the academic day. Students are welcome to stop by anytime to access resources and get questions answered.
- College Advisor - Jonathan Fidani, 650-354-8224
- College & Career Information Specialist - Leighton Lang, 650-354-8219
- Work Experience Teacher - Rachael Kaci
Calendar of Events
- Meet with the College Advisor
- Naviance
- MaiaLearning
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Cal Grant (GPA Verification)
- CSS / Financial aid profile
- Career Exploration
- Scholarships
- Testing
- Work Permit Process
Meet with the College Advisor
Mr. Fidani's office is located in room P-210. Students of any grade are welcome to drop-in during brunch, lunch, or a prep.
Mr. Fidani prioritizes meetings with seniors during first semester. Please note, students must schedule appointment using their school email address. While parents are always welcome to participate in meetings, parent attendance is not required.
In advance of your meeting, students must complete the STUDENT INFORMATION FORM (using their school email address). This only needs to be completed prior to your first appointment.
Schedule an appointment
Mr. Fidani prioritizes meetings with juniors during second semester. Please note, students must schedule appointment using their school email address. While parents are always welcome to participate in meetings, parent attendance is not required.
In advance of your meeting, students must complete the STUDENT INFORMATION FORM (using their school email address). This only needs to be completed prior to your first appointment.
Naviance Student (and Parent) is a web-based service designed especially for planning and exploring your college options. Naviance Student is a comprehensive website that students and parents can use to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers. Our school counselors will use it to track and analyze data about college and career plans; it provides up-to-date information that is specific to our school. Naviance also lets us share information with parents and students about up-coming college visits, summer enrichment, scholarships, meetings, news, and events, as well as other web resources for college and career information.
Activate Your Naviance Student Account
You can log into Naviance through Single Sign-On:
- Log in through the ID Portal
- Click on the Clever icon
- Click on the Naviance icon on the Clever Apps Portal page
- Log in with your information
If you have any questions contact Leighton Lang in the College & Career Center.
Selected Features to Explore
You can either login using your Naviance account (password) or click the Enter as Guest button, in order to access certain features you must use your own account. When you visit as Guest, fewer features will be available.
Your Naviance page displays: College, Career, About Me, My Planner.
Feature | Description | How to Access |
College Search |
From the colleges tab in the top banner. |
Scholarships | Lists and matching tools to help you find scholarships that fit. | From the colleges tab in the top banner, in the scholarships & moneybox. |
Résumé |
From the about me tab in the top banner, in the interesting things about me section, under résumé. |
Explore Interests | A career interest survey about interest in types of work activities. Use the results to explore suggested occupations; examine the education, training, and skills required [and where to obtain them], as well as wages typical for these occupations. | From the careers tab in the top banner. |
Do What You Are | A personal interests and personality survey. Use the results to explore suggested college majors and careers based on your preferences and strengths. | From the about me tab in the top banner, in the interesting things about me section, under personality type. |
College Search Tools | Other search tools to complement Family Connection; some are specialized. | From the colleges tab in the top banner, in the college research box, click on college resources. Also click on college maps for more links. |
Maps | Groups of types of colleges by location. Click on a college to view its profile. | From the colleges tab in the top banner, in the college research box, click on college maps. |
College Application Statistics
College application statistics for the high school senior classes of 2006 and later are now available on Naviance. To protect student privacy, if fewer than 4 students applied to a college, the statistics are not available.
Feature | Description | How to Access |
Acceptance History | Historical overview of acceptance history, by college. Select a college to see:
Select colleges in top banner, then acceptance history in the college research section. |
School Statistics |
Select colleges in top banner, then acceptance history in the college research section. Select a college, then click on SCHOOL STATS. |
Scattergram Graph |
Historical application results (admit, deny, waitlist) are graphed as a scattergram; applicant average GPA appears on the y-axis and applicant average SAT scores on the x-axis. For an applicant to be represented on a scattergram for a given college, three things must be present:
Note about calculation of averages: If, for example, a test score is not present for the SAT (2400 scale) for some students, those students' dots/crosses are not figured into the averages on the scattergram. This means that those students will not show up on the scattergram for the 2400 scale - which means that their Test Scores and GPAs will not figure into the Accepted Average displayed on the scattergram. |
Select colleges in top banner, then acceptance history in the college research section. Select a college, then click on GRAPH. - OR - Select scattergrams in the college research box of the colleges section. |
College Compare |
Compare your GPA and test scores to the average GPA and test scores of Gunn admitted students for a particular college (or multiple colleges). School averages are displayed in green when your numbers are higher and in red when your numbers are lower than those of past admitted students. |
Select colleges in top banner, then college compare in the college research section. Choose one or more colleges to compare. |
MaiaLearning is a Web-based college and career readiness platform used to help students prepare for life after high school. It is a comprehensive website that you and your parents can use to help explore post high school options. MaiaLearning also features up-to-date information that’s specific to our school. And, it lets us share information with you about upcoming meetings, news, and events, as well as other resources for post high school planning.
The MaiaLearning website is designed to work well on mobile devices and can be accessed through your computer, phone, or tablet.
The district roll-out of MaiaLearning will be phased, starting with the class of 2026 in December 2024 and will expand to other grades later in Spring semester. If you miss the PAUSD webinar for junior families on Dec. 11th, we will post the recording afterward on Schoology. In addition, you can find an overview of the most popular MaiaLearning features and functions here
Access Your Account from the ClassLink Portal
Select the MaiaLearning app from the ClassLink portal and choose "Sign in with Single Sign On"
Alternatively, go to and click Log In button in the upper right corner, then choose "Sign in with Single Sign On"
Please note: Parents have view-only access to their student(s) accounts; they cannot edit student accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How do I sign up for the SAT, SAT II, PSAT and ACT?
A: For testing information and relevant links please go to the College Board website.
Q: What is Naviance?
A: Naviance is a web-based service designed especially for planning and exploring your college options.
Q: How do I get to Naviance?
A: Follow these directions.
Q: When are the SAT and ACT tests offered?
A: Testing information and relevant links are all on the College & Career Center page.
Q: Where can I find the contact information for the Gunn School Counselors?
A: Check out the Counselors page where you will find contact information for all counselors and department staff.
Q: Where can I find the Senior Forms?
A: Go to the guidance dept senior page. It has all the forms you'll need.
Q: When are the PAUSD information nights?
A: Please check this site. The Parent / Student information night dates will be posted there.
Q: My tax forms for last year aren't finished yet. How can I meet the FAFSA deadline?
A: Use your W-2s and make the best estimate you can. Most schools, once you are admitted, will ask you later for more specific information they need.
Q: What is the College Rep Visits Process?
A: The college rep visit process will take at least 3 days of advanced planning by students. Please clear your attendance with your teacher first for permission to attend a college rep visit, during their class. If your teacher indicates you have been granted the permission to attend the college rep visit, then sign-up for it in Family Connection. College Rep Visit can be find under the "college" tab, then click on "view all upcoming visits" to view the list and sign-up. The college rep visit will be 35 minutes long during the beginning of each class period. Students will have to return to class after the college rep visit. Mr. Lang in the College and Career Center will give every student a pass back to class after the college rep visits.
If you need help with logging into your Family Connection account please email me, Mr. Lang.
STAFF: These presentations are considered a privilege for students whose work in your class is satisfactory and up-to-date. College Rep Visits are limited to 10 for seniors, and junior can sign-up for 5 only. Missing class for the meeting must be approved and in advance by the teacher. Student will not be able attend College Rep Visits if they are not signed-up on Family Connection with Naviance.
College Rep Visits are for students only.
Q: I have a question that wasn't answered here, and I can't find it on the CCC website. What should I do?
A: We are always trying to make this page more useful. Please send an email to Mr. Leighton Lang in the CCC and ask him to put your question on the CCC FAQ Page.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Families are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), to demonstrate need and establish eligibility for aid. All two and four year colleges, public and private require the FAFSA. FSA ID information can be found and created at The FAFSA is also required for families applying for some of the federal loan programs.
FAFSA website, Gunn's school code: 052347
Assembly Bill (AB) 540 are eligible to complete the Dream Act Application.
Cal Grant (GPA Verification)
The California Student Aid Commission uses the information provided on the FAFSA and the Cal Grant GPA Verification process to determine if students qualify for Cal Grant. The GPA Information and student login to check is available on the web at . To be considered for 2019-2020 Cal Grants (California State Aid), each student must submit a FAFSA, and confirm their email address in Naviance is the same as the one they will or have used with their FAFSA. If your email is different please send your new email address to Mr. Lang. Your GPAs were submitted electronic on October 2nd, 2018.
CSS / Financial aid profile
Many private colleges and universities use the information collected from a form called the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA. Follow the directions colleges send with their application materials to be certain you meet their specific requirements and due dates.
The PROFILE can be completed online. There is a registration fee for submitting the CSS Profile Application.
- The CSS PROFILE registrations guides are available on the College Board website.
- The list of participating colleges is available here.
Career Exploration
The Work Experience Education Program is taught by Rachael Kaci with over 20 years of educational experience. The course covers the basics for student worker rights, resume building, mock interviews skills, and guest speakers. This is a great opportunity for students to begin their career readiness, and more information can be found at the Work Experience page.
Please notify Mr. Lang that you will be applying for scholarships and if you would like to be alerted of special scholarship opportunities. Transcripts are free and Mr. Lang will print them out, please have the recommendations sent to him. The scholarship packet must be turned in to the College and Career Center at least three days before deadline. Students are responsible for the cost to mail (post/envelope) the scholarship.
There are several community and school scholarships whose sponsors have asked the Gunn Scholarship Committee to nominate and/or select students to receive the awards. Students who wish to be considered for need-based or merit awards need to review the scholarships listed in Naviance or visit the College and Career Center.
A scholarship listing is compiled and updated weekly in Naviance Student under Colleges -> Scholarships and Money.
Students' interested in applying for the Gunn Foundation Scholarship must complete a Gunn Foundation online application by Thursday, March 6, 2025. Filling out this application is essential if you wish to be considered.
Naviance has some great scholarship options:
The PSAT (Preliminary SAT®/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is a co-sponsored program by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test™. It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs.
The PSAT is offered at Gunn once each fall for juniors. In past years, sophomores were also encouraged to take the test if they wanted to have a practice test-taking experience. Starting in 2009, Gunn offered the test only to juniors, and held alternate programs for other grades. Learn more.
The SAT Reasoning Test is widely used by colleges and universities admissions. It tests students' knowledge of subjects that are necessary for college success: reading, writing, and mathematics. The SAT assesses the critical thinking skills students need for academic success in college-skills that students learned in high school. The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. It is offered at Gunn and other places in the bay area several times each year. Learn more.
SAT Subject Tests
(formerly known as SAT II Tests): Many colleges use the Subject Tests for admission, for course placement, and to advise students about course selection. Some colleges specify the Subject Tests that they require for admission or placement; others allow applicants to choose which tests to take. The UCs currently require two SAT Subject Tests of a student's choice; starting with the high school graduating class of 2012, SAT Subject Tests will no longer be required for the UCs.
Subject Tests are offered at Gunn several times each year. They are usually taken by juniors and seniors after they have completed the appropriate courses. Sophomores also may want to take a Subject Test if they have completed an advanced course. Learn more.
The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. The ACT Plus Writing includes the four subject area tests plus a 30-minute Writing Test. ACT results are accepted by all 4-year colleges and universities in the U.S.
The ACT multiple-choice tests are curriculum based. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. Instead, the questions on the ACT are directly related to what you have learned in your high school courses in the four subject areas. Because the ACT tests are based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, some students are more comfortable with the ACT than they are with traditional aptitude tests or tests with narrower content.
The ACT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. It is offered at Gunn and other places in the bay area several times each year. Learn more.
AP Tests
Through AP's college-level courses and exams, students can earn college credit and advanced placement, stand out in the admissions process, and learn from some of the most skilled, dedicated, and inspiring teachers in the world. AP Tests are offered at Gunn every May and are typically taken by juniors and seniors at the end of the AP class. Learn more.
Work Permit Process
Learn about the work permit process on the Work Permits page.