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Getting to Gunn

The majority of Gunn students walk or bike to school. For everyone's safety and health, students are encouraged to bicycle, walk, carpool or ride the bus to Gunn as often as possible.

Gunn Walk and Roll Map

The Gunn Walk & Roll maps displays suggested routes to school including:

  • Locations of bike lanes 
  • Lower traffic volume streets, off-road trails and paths 
  • Bike parking, crossing guards
  • Signalized intersections 
  • Other facilities to help you identify the best walking or bicycling route

Student pedestrians and bicyclists are encouraged to use neighborhood routes and off-road paths to avoid car congestion at the main Arastradero driveway entrance. Walk/bike-friendly entrances and bicycle parking facilities around the campus include:

  • Gunn HS Path with bicycle parking in the back of the N building

  • Miranda driveway and Bol Park Path access to bicycle racks between buildings J and H and behind the N building

  • Paradise Way and Los Robles access to the path behind the athletic fields and path leading to multiple bike parking locations

  • Main Arastradero entrance with access to bicycle parking next to Acorn Lounge and Buildings J and H.

  • Georgia Ave access near the tennis courts

  • Bike Fixit Stations, which include commonly used bike repair tools, including tire pumps and a scannable QR code with instructions about making minor bike repairs.

Walk and Roll Suggested Route Maps General Bike map of Palo Alto | Area-wide Bike Map