Q: What does the site council do?
A: The Site Council is one of four advisory groups to the principal, including the Instructional Supervisors, the student SEC, and the PTSA. Site Council works closely with the administration and staff on several projects, including input into the development and site approval of Gunn's School Plan, approval of the Safe School Plan, and participation in and acceptance of the WASC self-study report.
We have the pleasure of allocating funds to worthy pilot programs and student support projects that support at least one of the WASC goals. For the 2017-18 school year, the Site Council received $23,000.00 to fund worthy projects including for Library Funds, Screencasting software to introduce more differentiated instruction in the Math Dept., additional LabQuest2 hardware for the Science Department's Physics inquiry-based labs, and financial support for PLC team leadership.
Q: What role do parents play on site council?
A: Two of the four parent representatives on Site Council are elected every two years by general ballot to represent the concerns of Gunn students' parents. A call for parent representatives will be issued on the Site Council Website during the Spring and in the Gunn Connection. Only parents of current Gunn students may vote. The election results are announced in Spring.
Q: Which parents can serve on site council?
A: Any Gunn parent who wants to work on policy development and financial decision-making in a cooperative setting with 4 faculty, 3 staff, 3 other parents and 4 students. Each representative serves a 2-year term. A maximum of 4 consecutive years (2 terms in a row). Thus, two of the four parents on Site Council are up fore re-election or replacement each year. (Your child must be a sophomore, Freshman or 8th grader this year in order for you to serve.)
Q: When are meetings?
A: Site Council representatives meet once a month from 4-6 pm in the Gunn Staff Lounge. There will be at least one evening meeting each year. A sub-group meets for a planning meeting once a month during lunch.
Q: What qualifications are needed?
A: You must have a child enrolled at Gunn High School, possess some financial and/or policy decision-making abilities, and be able to attend meetings at least once a month. No, you do not need to be a CPA or CEO - just genuinely interested in taking time to learn how Gunn operates, and a desire to improve life and learning for Gunn students and staff.
Q: How do i find out more about site council?
A: Site Council's meeting schedule may be found on the Site Council Website and is posted in the Gunn Connection. The agenda for each meeting is publicized 72 hours prior to a meeting on the Main Office bulletin board, on the Site Council Website and in the Gunn Connection. Members of the public are welcome to attend with individual comments limited to 5 minutes per speaker at the beginning of each meeting. Topics may be pursued at the Council's discretion. For more information on Site Council, contact Gunn Principal Wendy Stratton's Assistant at 650.354.8200 x 5233.