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Parents are to notify the Attendance Office when their student is going to arrive late to school. The parent will provide the reason for the tardy and the time of anticipated arrival. The student will report to the Attendance Office to sign in before proceeding to class.

Tardy Process and Procedures

Teachers file tardy policies with Instructional Supervisors and the Principal at the start of the school year.

Teachers formally notify students:

  1. Class expectations stated at the beginning of a course.
  2. At the 3rd tardy, a verbal warning to the student.
  3. At the 5th tardy, the teacher officially notifies the student, parent, counselor and Attendance Office with a Notification of Tardiness form. The teacher also personally contacts the parent/guardian to address the student's tardy issue.
  4. At 8 or more tardies, the teacher will notify the student, parent, counselor and an administrator, and may request one or more of the following actions may be taken; loss of open-campus privileges, family meeting, referral to SARB process, counseling referral, and/or loss of prep periods.