History & Social Studies
Name | Position | |
Arlena Arteaga | Teacher | aarteaga@pausd.org |
Benjamin Beresford | Teacher | bberesford@pausd.org |
David Bisbee | Teacher | dbisbee@pausd.org |
Tracie Carroll | Teacher | tcarroll@pausd.org |
Warren Collier | Teacher | wcollier@pausd.org |
Chris Eggert | Teacher | ceggert@pausd.org |
Tara Firenzi | Teacher | tfirenzi@pausd.org |
Christopher Johnson | Teacher | cjohnson@pausd.org |
Arthur Kinyanjui | Teacher | akinyanjui@pausd.org |
Dawna Linsdell | Teacher | dlinsdell@pausd.org |
Phillip Lyons | Teacher | plyons@pausd.org |
Nora Matta | Teacher | nmatta@pausd.org |
Jeff Patrick | Teacher/ Instructional Lead | jpatrick@pausd.org |
Pat Rode | Teacher | prode@pausd.org |
Mark Weisman | Teacher | mweisman@pausd.org |
Max Zipperstein | Teacher | mzipperstein@pausd.org |
- General History
- African-American History
- Cold War
- Economics
- Psychology
- US Government
- US History
- Contemporary World History
- World History
General History
- The History Place - This is an excellent general, US and World History site.
- Meta-Sites for Government Information The Syracuse University site has very wide-range of links to U.S. Federal, Oklahoma, EU, NATO, UN, GATT/WTO and IAEA documents.
- Atlapedia Online - This is a very detailed site with overviews and political and physical maps of countries.
- FedWorld - This page has a search engine for the US Federal Government also includes databases which has every Supreme Court decision since 1937.
- Maps of the World - This extensive University of Texas site has very detailed, very large maps as well as smaller less detailed maps of all areas and countries of the world.
- Uncle Sam for Kids - This St Charles, Missouri site looks basic, but has excellent range of links to all sorts of governmental and history based sites.
- CIA World Fact Book - This is an extensive and easy-to-use site which has maps and information on every country in the world from the US perspective.
African-American History
- Museum of African-American History - independent Chicago institution preserving and interpreting historical experiences and achievements.
- Maryland's African-American Heritage - includes biographies and a historical timeline.
- African-American Historic Texts Online with essays by Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr and many others.
- Library of Congress Exhibit The African-American Mosaic - A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture
Cold War
REESWeb - Russian and East European Studies Internet Resources The University of Pittsburgh based site has many links on Russia and Eastern Europe - much is non-English.
- Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network Economics, economics, economics! This site is a huge treasure trove of economic statistics and data in many different forms.
- Fedstats This page is a clearinghouse for statistics from over 70 governmental agencies
- STAT-USA Here is the site of an agency in the Economics and Statistics Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce which produces statistics and abstracts for the U.S. Federal Government.
- Cal State Hayward Stock Market Simulation.
- About Polling - Here are 20 questions that "should" be asked to ascertain validity of poll/survey.
- Memory - The Exploratorium site has a wide range of different ideas on what memory is and does.
- Go Ask Alice - Columbia University Health Education Program's excellent site answers myriad questions about fitness & nutrition, drugs, sexuality, relationships and emotional, general and spiritual health.
US Government
- The State Department Home Page - This constantly updated site has the official attitudes and statements on a wide range of current issues. This site also has an excellent foreign countries section.
- California Home Page: Your Government - The official California page has information on state and local government as well as the court system and state agencies.
- U.S. Constitution Text - This well-organized site from Emory University Law School has the complete text of the Constitution.
- The Federalist Papers - Another well-organized site from Emory University has the complete text of all of the Federalist Papers organized chronologically with author and subject.
- White House Publications: Press Briefings Archives - This page from the White House has the latest official positions from the President and has links to recent press releases.
- California Voter Foundation - This is a well-organized site which specializes in links for all types of sites for US, California and local governments, politics and documents.
- Congress.org - Here is a useful site with Capital Directory, Current Legislation, Congressional Scorecard, Today in Congress.
- Fedstats - This site is a clearinghouse for statistics from over 70 governmental agencies.
- FedWorld - This search engine for the US Federal Government also includes Databases which has every Supreme Court decision since 1937.
- GPO Gate - UC Berkeley's searchable bank of Databases of the Governmental Printing Office since 1994, includes budgets, congressional records and General Accounting Office documents.
- League of Women Voters of Palo Alto - This home page from Palo Alto office includes local, state and national positions as well as links.
- The Oyez Project - This page is an easily used Supreme Court searchable database with good histories, case abstracts and links.
- Policy.com - Here is a Washington, DC based and oriented site organized around US Government policy with research and opinions.
- Project Vote Smart - This well-laid out, logical web site has links and loads of information on state and federal candidates, politicians, elections and voting records.
- Public Agenda Online - This is a well-organized site which purports itself as the "journalist's source" for public opinion, issue and policy analysis.
- STAT-USA - Here is the site for an agency in the Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce which produces statistics and abstracts for the U.S. Federal Government.
- Legal Information Institute - This topically organized site has information on both current and important historical Supreme Court cases.
- National Archives Online Exhibit Hall - This is a frequently updated site with U.S. governmental documents and wide range of different topics.
- National Archives Home Page - This site has exhaustive resources pertaining to U.S. archives, documents and laws.
- The Earth Times - This high school oriented site has articles, columns, special reports and commentary on the environment, politics and society.
US History
- APUSH Summer Preparation and Orientation - Mr. Johnson & Ms. Howard
- The Federalist Papers - Another well-organized site from Emory University has the complete text of all of the Federalist Papers organized chronologically with author and subject.
- U.S. Constitution Text - This well-organized site from Emory University Law School has the complete text of the Constitution.
- Remembering Nagasaki: Memories of the Atomic Bomb - The Exploratorium exhibit has photos and remembrances of the aftermath of Nagasaki.
- D-Day - This is a great site with oral histories and very detailed maps and diagrams from Encyclopedia Britannica.
- The History Place - This is an excellent general US and World History site.
- The American Revolution - This site has good background timelines with links to other sites from "The History Place."
- The Civil War - Here is another "The History Place" site with timelines and links.
- American Civil War - This site has a useful range of different links and topics.
- FedWorld - The search engine for the US Federal Government also includes Databases which has every Supreme Court decision since 1937.
- The Oyez Project - Here is an easily used Supreme Court searchable database with good histories, case abstracts and links.
- Legal Information Institute - This topically organized site has information on both current and important historical Supreme Court cases.
- U.S. Historical Documents - This University of Oklahoma site which has very dense, chronological set of document texts from the Magna Carta to President Clinton's 1998 State of the Union Address.
- Documenting the American South - The University of North Carolina site has full texts of nearly 300 books and manuscripts focusing on the South, Civil War, slavery and North Carolina until 1920.
- Civil War Women - The Duke University site has texts of diaries, letters and other documents as well as photographs from women of the Civil War South.
- Japanese Internment Camps - The University of Arizona site has photos and text on the internment camps.
Contemporary World History
- State Department's Country Background Notes - This site is organized by region and has detailed reports on most countries along with a section on international organizations.
- African Studies Home Page - This site from the University of Pennsylvania has links to other sites as well as a section for high school and younger students.
- International Constitutional Law - This amazing site from the University of Wuerzburg has the text in English of over 100 countries' constitutions as well as other governmental information.
- Atlapedia Online - This very detailed site has informational overviews of countries as well as political and physical maps.
- REESWeb - Russian and East European Studies Internet Resources - This University of Pittsburgh based site has many links on Russia and Eastern Europe - much is non-English.
- Virtual Forum of Mexican Culture - This is an English version of Spanish language site on contemporary and historic Mexican culture.
- The Earth Times - This high school oriented site has articles, columns, special reports and commentary on the environment, politics and society.
- Global Exchange Publications - Activist oriented links are found on this site with information on different global locales.
- World Resources Institute - This environmental site has information on economic and societal impacts on the world's resources.
- Peace Corps - The Peace Corps home page has information on different countries and cultures as well as volunteering along with volunteer's stories.
- Political Cartoons - Updated daily, this site brings the best in political cartoons from cartoonists from around the world.
- Editorial Cartoons - Organized by topic and artist and updated daily, this site has a wide range of contemporary political cartoons.
- Grameen Bank - This is the official site of the Grameen Bank which started in Bangladesh and has history, policies and future outlook of the bank.
World History
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- World War I - Trenches on the Web - An excellent reference source as well as a WWI discussion forum is found on this site that is produced by the History Channel.
- Battle of Hastings - This site is a good overview of the Battle of Hastings with lots of glossaries and background - comes from a hotel chain.
- Memories of the White Rose - Here is another site from The History Place which has a detailed recollection of the clandestine German student group that opposed Hitler.
- The History Place - This is an excellent general US and World History site.
- Mystery of the Maya - This site which was co-produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, has information and links on Mayan culture and history.
- Mysteries of the Maya - Produced by Mysterious Places, this site has information and links on Mayan culture and history.
- Atlapedia Online - This is a very detailed site with overviews and political and physical maps of countries.
- Country Studies From the Library of Congress, this site has exhaustively detailed profiles on a growing number of countries.