What is the Wellness Center?
The Wellness Center works with the Counseling Department to coordinate and expand physical and mental health support services for students. We are located on the second floor of the new P-building on the Gunn campus. Find us in P-231.
M/W/F 8:30am-4:00pm
Tu/Thu 8:30-4:30pm
To reach our team email us at gunnwellnessteam@pausd.org or call us at 650-354-8214
Follow us on Instagram!
If you want to come visit us:
Ask for a pass to come take a 15-minute break from class to recharge your batteries or rest here during your prep! Work on a puzzle, listen to music, read a book, draw, do some origami or do anything else that will help you feel good and ready to thrive in the classroom. You are also welcome to ask to drop in with a therapist if you would like to have a private, safe space to process any situation (friend drama, partner issues, school stress, anything!)
Meet the Team!
Check in with the Wellness Team
- What kinds of issues does the Wellness Center address?
- How do I refer a student to the Wellness Center?
- How do I get in contact with the Wellness Team?
- What can I do if my child needs help or is in a crisis?
- What can I do if my friend needs help or is in crisis?
- Where can I find more health and wellness resources for my student and family?
- Where can I find more information about Gunn's CalSCHLS Survey?